TACWISE “Ranger” Nailer/Stapler

The ideal cordless power tool solution for the Maintenance Ranger.

Whether for putting up or repairing a wire fence, nailing boards to a wooden fence, or what-have-you, the TACWISE “Ranger” Nailer/Stapler is the tool to make the job easy and fast and if you have to chase around a large Park, like a National Park or even a Country Park, an Borough to maintain all the Parks and Open Spaces or, even, and entire county, then this is sure going to beat hammer and nails or, depending on the task, hammer and fence staples.

Yes, sure, a hammer is cheaper and even lighter, much cheaper and much lighter in fact, but while a job with a hammer might take you the best part of the day, with the “Ranger” Nailer/Stapler from TACWISE it is going to be done in less than half the time. Also, even though the tool is weighty, swinging a hammer all day knocking in fence staples or nails sure makes your arm ache. Over time, I am sure, the investment of such a tool that come to just under the £200 mark, would pay for itself in time and effort saved.

The “Ranger” Nailer/Stapler will nail/staple up to 40mm in length/depth and, yes, I do know that 40mm is less than 2inch. So, there will still be times when building a fence, and especially a bridge or stile or gate, that you may have to use hammer, drill and 4inch or even 6inch nails. However, in a great many cases, I am certain, the “Ranger” Nailer/Stapler from TACWISE will make your tasks much faster and easier.

Tacwise Group plc
Sevenoaks, Kent TN14 5DF

© Michael Smith (Veshengro), January 2008

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