Giving young people their own space

Providing young people with a safe and regulated area to congregate can be an important tool in helping to reduce levels of anti-social behaviour and improving community safety.

Popular with local councils and in accordance with The Crime and Disorder Act 1998, Youth Shelters can provide teenagers with a designated area of their own to meet and socialise with friends, which can be easily policed, rather than meeting on street corners, outside takeaways or bus stops.

One recommendation is to design and install a Youth Shelter in consultation with young people, enabling them to feel involved in the project from the start and hopefully lead to long-term use of the facility.

Urban Engineering has worked closely with a number of local authorities in the past, resulting in a comprehensive range of Youth Shelters designed to suit a number of modern urban environments. Urban Engineering can also design bespoke Youth Shelters to meet the requirements of the site or local young people.

Urban Engineering

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